

Operations Research and Behavioral Informatics in Transportation

Shaping the Future of Urban Mobility & Logistics

The ORBIT Lab aims to advance decision-making science with a keen focus on integrating behavioral informatics. We strive to develop hands-on tools that contribute to advancements in urban logistics and transportation planning.

Academic Outputs


Stokkink, Patrick; Geroliminis, Nikolas

A continuum approximation approach to the depot location problem in a crowd-shipping system Journal Article

In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 176, pp. 103207, 2023.



Azadeh, Sh Sharif; Vester, J; Maknoon, MY

Electrification of a bus system with fast charging stations: Impact of battery degradation on design decisions Journal Article

In: Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 142, pp. 103807, 2022.


Azadeh, Sh Sharif; Atasoy, Bilge; Ben-Akiva, Moshe E; Bierlaire, M; Maknoon, MY

Choice-driven dial-a-ride problem for demand responsive mobility service Journal Article

In: Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol. 161, pp. 128–149, 2022.


Prakoso, Emanuel Febrianto; Maknoon, Yousef; Pel, Adam; Tavasszy, Lóránt A; Vanga, Ratnaji

A Predictive–Proactive Approach for Slot Management of a Loading Facility With Truck ETA Information Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Future Transportation, vol. 3, pp. 815267, 2022.


Palma, André; Stokkink, Patrick; Geroliminis, Nikolas

Influence of dynamic congestion with scheduling preferences on carpooling matching with heterogeneous users Journal Article

In: Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol. 155, pp. 479–498, 2022.


Palma, André; Javaudin, Lucas; Stokkink, Patrick; Tarpin-Pitre, Léandre

Ride-sharing with inflexible drivers in the Paris metropolitan area Journal Article

In: Transportation, pp. 1–24, 2022.


Cenedese, Carlo; Stokkink, Patrick; Geroliminis, Nikolas; Lygeros, John

Incentive-based electric vehicle charging for managing bottleneck congestion Journal Article

In: European Journal of Control, vol. 68, pp. 100697, 2022.




TU-Delft, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management.
Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft

Office: B3.160 (Yousef Maknoon), A3.340 (Patrick Stokkink)

E-mail: M.Y.Maknoon@TUDelft.nl (Yousef Maknoon), P.S.A.Stokkink@TUDelft.nl (Patrick Stokkink)

Phone: +31 15 27 83479

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